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After bariatric surgery, incorporating protein into every meal is crucial for numerous reasons. Protein aids in healing surgical wounds, maintains the health of skin, hair, bones, and nails, forms essential hormones and antibodies, promotes fat burning over muscle for healthier weight loss, boosts metabolism for faster weight loss, and helps control hunger between meals.

Given the reduced stomach capacity post-surgery, it's vital to prioritize high-protein foods. However, meeting daily protein requirements can be challenging in the initial months following surgery due to this limited capacity. This is where liquid protein supplements, like Enrg Pro, can be incredibly beneficial. Offering up to 25 grams of protein per serving, Enrg Pro is an efficient solution for reaching daily protein goals.

Animal proteins are generally considered "complete" proteins, containing all essential amino acids. In contrast, plant proteins often lack one or more of these amino acids and should be combined with animal proteins for a complete nutritional profile. Ideal protein sources include lean meats like skinless poultry, pork loin, and beef sirloin.

The recommended protein intake varies by individual needs and surgery type. Women typically need 60 to 80 grams of protein per day, while men may require 70 to 90 grams. Patients who have undergone a duodenal switch may need about 100 grams daily. It's important to follow these guidelines closely, as excessive protein intake can lead to excess calories and fat storage.